• Loving where we live. English Jeclaanta halka aad ku nooshahay. Afsoomaali Hlub qhov chaw koj nyob. Hmong Amando donde vivimos. Español

  • Loving where we live. English Jeclaanta halka aad ku nooshahay. Afsoomaali Hlub qhov chaw koj nyob. Hmong Amando donde vivimos. Español

  • Loving where we live. English Jeclaanta halka aad ku nooshahay. Afsoomaali Hlub qhov chaw koj nyob. Hmong Amando donde vivimos. Español

  • Loving where we live. English Jeclaanta halka aad ku nooshahay. Afsoomaali Hlub qhov chaw koj nyob. Hmong Amando donde vivimos. Español

  • Loving where we live. English Jeclaanta halka aad ku nooshahay. Afsoomaali Hlub qhov chaw koj nyob. Hmong Amando donde vivimos. Español

  • Loving where we live. English Jeclaanta halka aad ku nooshahay. Afsoomaali Hlub qhov chaw koj nyob. Hmong Amando donde vivimos. Español

Upstream channels our shared love of Minnesota’s natural places into greater trust, connection and stewardship. We are a campaign bringing together people of all backgrounds — political, racial, ethnic and geographic — to celebrate our natural places and inspire more people to steward this state we love.

Go Upstream

The Upstream pledge consists of three things for you to do — two actions to care for our state and one shift in mindset to heal our divides.

Take the Upstream pledge and help reveal who we are here in Minnesota. We’ll send you a decal you can add to your car, your door, your canoe or your water bottle that lets your neighbors know that you #Lovewherewelive.

Take the Pledge

Share Your Stewardship Story

We share more in common than many would lead us to believe. At Upstream we are cultivating the shared value that 87% of Minnesotans hold — we trust each other to care for our shared natural places and leave them better for future generations. We share stories of stewardship written by and about Minnesotans like you!

Tell us how you go upstream.

Share Your Story

Building Bridges Across Difference

Backyard Conversations allow people of different backgrounds to come together to find commonality in our love and care for Minnesota’s natural places.

Together, we will:

• Meet Minnesotans from different backgrounds
• Share a delicious meal together
• Have a conversation about what Minnesota means to us, and how we care for it

Inquire Today

Find Your Next

Share, inspire, learn.

Find Your Next

More than 80% of Minnesotans say they want to do more. Find Your Next is a tool where Minnesotans can exchange ideas about ways to be better stewards of our places. You can share what you do to inspire others, and find examples from other Minnesotans to inspire you.

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    Choose Recycling

    If your workplace doesn’t have easily accessible recycling bins, it can be hard to prioritize recycling. Try setting up a bin in a convenient location…

    Choose Recycling
  • A female hiker with dark hair stands amidst out-of-focus trees, looking away from the camera and wearing a backpack.

    Find a Hike

    AllTrails is a great resource to find hikes near you, whether you’re at home in Minnesota or traveling around the country—or even the world. Plus…

    Find a Hike
  • Small baskets of red and yellow cherry tomatoes arranged on a table at a farmers' market.

    Check Out the Farmers’ Market

    There are tons of local farmers’ markets in the Twin Cities and beyond. Farmers’ markets are a fun activity, a great source of local produce…

    Check Out the Farmers’ Market