Care at Home

Open the Curtains
If your office, school, or workplace has lots of windows, try turning off the electric lights and using the natural light of the sun. It's good for the brain, good for the body, and good for the planet.Amelia P • St. PaulFurther reading: -
Use a Bamboo Tooth Brush
Instread of opting for the traditional plastic toothbrush, swap for an eco-friendly bamboo toothbrush.Katrina HFurther reading: -
Swap to LED Bulbs
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Sealed Leaks
There are several ways to seal window and door leaks during the winter. Try window film, weather strips, draft stoppers, and more to keep the heat in and keep your heat bill low.Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Rural Recycling
Rural communities face more challenges than their urban counterparts in having a well-functioning recycling system. In the small rural town that I grew up in, curbside recycling was discontinued a few years ago because of cost. Check out the link below for tips and stories on creating rural recycling programs.Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Replace Your Air Filters
We replace our HVAC filters regularly. Our appliances work better and more efficiently. And your indoor air quality is so much better too!John L • Minneapolis, MnFurther reading: -
Recycling Right
When recycling, be sure to follow your local recycling rules to help the process go smoothly. For aluminum and glass specifically, recycling these materials actually takes less energy than creating them from scratch. But I try to remember that reducing, especially reducing plastic use, should come before recycling!Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Recycled Shoes
Yes, shoes can be recycled too! They can be sent or dropped off at various locations so that the materials can be repurposed or upcycled. If you live in Ramsey or Henepin counties, check out the cities' websites for more specifics.Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Phantom Energy
Some appliances use energy just by staying plugged in or staying on: this is called phantom energy. Save on your energy bill by unplugging appliances, as is convenient, around your home when they're not in use.Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Pay Your Bills Online
Eliminate waste and quicken your bills with autopay or online payment.Further reading: