Care at Home

Natural Cleaning Products
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Light It Up
Replace standard or CFL bulbs with LED lightbulsElliot B • Minneapolis, MNFurther reading: -
Install Low-Flow Shower Head
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Home Energy Check
Home energy assessments, which you can do yourself or with the help of a professional, are a great way to figure out how to save energy at home. It can help you find air leaks, improve air quality inside, check insulation quality, and check appliances and lighting efficiency.Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Heat Pumps
Heating and cooling accounts for about half of your energy budget, followed by your water heater, lights, and refrigerator. Learn more about how you can cut your electricity bill in half by switching to heat pumps.Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Get a Smart Thermostat
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Energy-Efficient Appliances
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Don’t Stick With Non-Stick
I've switched away from using non-stick cookware after learning about the harmful effects to my health and the chemicals that stick around in our water. Now I use cast iron and stainless steel.Julia C • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Ditch the Papertowels
Opt for combining loads of laundry and cut down on your paper waste.Further reading: -
Dishwasher Tips
Dishwashers are designed to remove dry food from dishes, so there's no need to use extra water rinsing dishes before they go in the dishwasher.Noah V • St. Paul, MNFurther reading: -
Create a Compost Station
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Add Solar Panels
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