Better businesses lead to a better community, and no one knows that better than the Minneapolis Regional Chamber. Their initiatives work not just to help Minneapolis businesses do better, but to engage both businesses and the larger community in caring for the place of Minnesota. Through their programs, they create, invest in, and protect the spaces that the Minneapolis community depends on.
The Minneapolis Chamber’s “Move Minneapolis” program encourages businesses and employees to use greener modes of transportation by teaching valuable skills, such as bike safety and using public transit. Promoting greener commutes supports the air quality and livability of the community. By promoting these alternate ways to commute, the Chamber encourages a care for place and for the environment in the businesses it serves.
The Chamber also invests in projects that create beautiful outdoor spaces for Minnesotans to enjoy. The Mural Central in the Northeast District gives people pride in and appreciation for their environment and place. Both natural and man-made spaces can drive a care for place, and Mural Central shows that. With Mural Central and other projects, the Minneapolis Regional Chamber gives businesses and communities alike the tools to care for our places.