M Health Fairview is caring for place by ensuring their patients receive healthy food. This is possible by incorporating locally sourced produce throughout the hospital for better nutrition and health outcomes. This program, called “Veggie RX,” launched in 2016. In 2021, they partnered with Sin Fronteras Farm & Food to provide fresh produce to their Latinx patients and others. Veggie RX provides free food delivery and recipes for families in need throughout the East Metro clinics.
Supporting local agriculture fosters a plethora of benefits that significantly contribute to sustainable health among Minnesotans. M Health Fairview’s collaboration with local farmers impacts our natural places, economy, and community. By using local agriculture, we can steward our natural places through the use of sustainable farming practices and supporting smaller farms that often employ organic farming that impact our natural places for the better. Local agriculture is important in our health care systems so that communities experiencing crisis can access nutritional meals. Collaborating with local farmers provides patients access to a variety of fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables, supporting a healthy diet.
Programs like Veggie RX allow all Minnesotans access to nutritious food our local farmers grow. M Health Fairview also partners with Upstream partner Hmong American Farmers Association (HAFA) to provide fresh produce for its metro neighbors. Thank you, M Health Fairview, for prioritizing partnerships between healthcare providers and local agriculture for a healthier Minnesota.