Written by Mary Gold, Upstream Care for Place Fellow
I have a bird feeder in my yard that is always full, yet never needs filling! Many species of birds grace my yard with their beauty and songs! This idyllic picture became a reality for me when I began to think like a bird so I could understand their needs.
Birds Need Cover
If I were a bird, I would want to feel safe while I was eating. Having trees and bushes growing near a bird’s food source makes them feel so protected! They are always on the lookout for predators and need somewhere close to retreat to if they see danger.
Here I am pictured planting seedlings purchased through the MN DNR’s website. My husband and I planted 300 pine tree seedlings so that birds and other animals could find cover and protection in their branches.
Birds Need Food
If I were a bird, I would enjoy foods that varied by my tastes and by what I could find. In my yard, I planted a menu of seasonally available food.
Spring Menu
Black eyed susan and cone flower seeds and other seeds from wildflowers still standing after the winter snowmelt.
Summer Menu
Wild raspberries, wild blackberries, wild plum.
Fall Menu
Millet and buckwheat. I have seen hundreds of birds at a time enjoying our 40 by-50-foot food plot of millet and buckwheat.
Winter Menu
Crab apple trees which are especially loved by the Cedar Wax Wings. They like to grab softened crab apples and then dash to a spruce tree for protection.
One of our Cedar Wax Wing visitors wrote me a thank you poem to express his gratitude:
Dear Gardener;
Thank you for planting me food and cover.
Thank you for your loving care for another.
From the Wrens and Chickadees
And Cedar Wax Wings like me.
Pine trees are my tree of choice.
From the Spruce you’ll hear my voice.
I’m hiding from the hawks and owls,
And predators on the prowl.
Pine tree boughs are oh so nice,
Come winter’s chill, wind and ice.
And when it’s time for a meal,
A Crab tree has a great appeal.
Their yummy berries squish and burst,
They satisfy my taste and thirst.
Their crimson color is like a shout:
“Hurry over and check this out!”
God smiled and saw that all things were good.
Planting food and cover has welcomed a new neighborhood.
It’s a place to thrive,
Keeping critters alive.
Imagine that.
It’s a new habitat! Imagine that!
Planting food and cover for the birds has brought so many visitors to our yard! It’s like having a bird feeder that never needs filling. It’s a garden buffet for birds….and it’s all they can eat!
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