Written by Amanda Arbogast, Upstream Care for Place Fellow
John Arbogast is a 58-year-old father of two living in Virginia, MN. After high school, he spent two years in Germany with the Army before returning to the Iron Range. As John noted, “I’m a fourth-generation Iron Ranger and knew I’d eventually end up back here”.
Like many Iron Rangers, he worked most of his life in the mines, holding several positions throughout the years. Currently, he represents ironworkers across the Range as the District 11 Staff Representative for the Union of United Steel Workers. “There are so many small towns in the area, and with a lot of ironworkers. It’s a great feeling knowing I’m representing them the best I can and providing them with what they deserve.”
In his spare time, he likes to golf, fish, and spend time with his family, which includes two standard poodles and three cats. As an avid fisherman, John appreciates the lakes in the Iron Range. “Lake Vermillion and Trout Lake are two very special places to me in the area, and I’ve been visiting those areas for over 50 years.” He is also passionate about nature generally, a feeling shared by ironworkers in the area. “Us Ironworkers live and play in the community, and we are committed to being good stewards of the land, air, and water. We have the cleanest water and air in Minnesota, and that’s not by accident.”
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