At @minnesotaupstream , we envision a future where all who live and work in Minnesota express their connection across race, ideology and geography through a unified culture of caring for our place and each other.The conversation about the environment is stuck in political debate, leaving out many whose opinions and values may otherwise align.Yet, as Minnesotans, we take action every day to care for our place, acting from values we share with family, neighbors, and community.To find common ground, we need to go upstream—bringing together these shared values and the connections we have to our place.Earth Day seemed like a great day to announce our new #UpstreamAmplifier program. We are looking for content creators and storytellers that align with our values and want to help amplify our mission. There will be payment and perks for content as well as an invitation to join our growing community. To apply, visit the link on our bio!#mnupstream #lovingwherewelive #exploremn #minnesota #northernminnesota #southernminnesota #duluth #visitgrandrapids — from Instagram