Going Upstream means loving where we live and caring for our shared natural places and people. From the plains to the lakes regions to the boreal forests, we are blessed with amazing and accessible natural spaces.This Give to the Max Day, we encourage Upstreamers to help support organizations who love and care for our places, including Upstream member organizations like:The GoodAcre @thegoodacremn Repowered @getrepowered South Asian Arts & Theater House @saathmn Additionally, we encourage you to make a donation to help Upstream carry out our mission: Celebrating and amplifying the ways Minnesotans from all backgrounds care for our place, while inspiring new actions to be even better stewards of our state. And because we also love where we live, our board will match all gifts to Upstream up to $12,000! Thank you for living Upstream!#givetothemaxday #gttm #upstreamminnesota #minnesotaupstream #careforminnesota #minnesota #love #exploremn — from Instagram