In the spirit of Thanksgiving, @startribune asked Minnesotans for whom the outdoors is their work site or guiding beacon and everyday: What in the outdoors are you grateful for?Angela Grill, wildlife biologist and Wandering Naturalist podcast co-host answered: “My own personal growth is connected deeply to my experiences within Minnesota's outdoors. I think of the maple tree I climbed as a child to look out over the Minnesota River and remember that first feeling of wilderness. My admiration for nature and her perseverance continues to grow with each adventure through various habitats, wetlands to prairies, to my own backyard where I hope one day my son, too, will climb his first maple tree. We are all connected to this web of nature, the plants, the wildlife — all sewn together to rely on one another to exist. Minnesota's sense of community and environmental stewardship within the outdoors is the best-kept secret we can be grateful for this year.” — from Instagram