We love learning from all of you. Check out this post by @mnprairiegal•The flower of the skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) is quite different than most others found native to Minnesota. .The part that come out of the ground is the spathe. As the spathe grows, it reveals the spadix, a small knob covered with tiny yellow flowers..Few other flowers in northeastern North America share this odd floral structure – a characteristic of plants in the largely tropical Arum family, which includes popular houseplants like Spathiphyllum (peace lily), Philodendron, and Monstera..Like some other related plants in the Arum family, skunk cabbage flowers are all female when the spathe first opens. These later become pollen-producing male flowers, with flowers at the top of the spadix transitioning first. Heat production peaks during the female phase, declining as the flowers age and begin to produce pollen..How cool is that!? Get out and enjoy spring. …..#mn #minnesota #arum #skunkcabbage #exploremn #hike #hiking #botany #plants #plantsofinstagram #nativeflora #springtime #optoutside #outdoors #spring #flower #flowerstagram #mnupstream #lovewhereyoulive #upstream #exploremn — from Instagram